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AWS S3 useful command line commands


cd C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\

Enter at the command line to access the AWS in windows (if there is an error in a different folders)

"C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2"\aws configure set default.region ap-south-1

<ap-south-01> is the S3 space on the AWS 


# list all buckets

>aws s3 ls

#aws cli commands

# make a bucket

>aws s3 mb s3://intro-aws-768


Create a folder on S3 in AWS through the command line

>aws s3 mb s3://intro-aws-768

>aws s3 ls


# upload a file to the s3 bucket

>aws s3 cp k:/aws/SathbabuKeyPair.pem s3://intro-aws-768

>aws s3 cp k:/aws/SathbabuKeyPair.pem s3://sriraha-hosting01

>aws s3 ls s3://intro-aws-768


# delete object

aws s3 rm s3://intro-aws-768/SathbabuKeyPair.pem


# delete all objects in a bucket

aws s3 rm s3://sriraha-hosting01 --recursive


# Delete the bucket

aws s3 rb --force s3://sriraha-hosting01

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